Spotted Lanternfly Pest Control

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How we treat:
Spotted Lanternflies

We’ll use our expert knowledge of spotted lanternfly biology to effectively and safely prevent and protect your home like it was our own. See how.

Excel car in front of the house and employee talking to the client
Excel car in front of the house and employee talking to the client
Free pest inspection. Same day service.
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Getting rid of spotted lanternflies is as easy as 1, 2 and 3

We use visual inspections to identify the insect and their host plants, such as tree-of-heaven, where these insects lay eggs.
Then we implement a targeted treatment plan, often applying insecticides on host plants to control nymphs and adults.
Preventative measures to protect vegetation or remove primary host plants, may be suggested.
spotted lanternfly yard treatment by excel pest services technician

Excel’s proven process

Our proven approach to delivering a pest-free, worry-free environment. Guaranteed.
We’ll inspect your home inside and out, and top to bottom to spot current and potential pest problems.
We’ll assess and correctly identify any active pests. Pest species and biology is considered to choose the right treatment option.
We’ve identified your pests, now we’ll treat them using safe and effective treatment methods with only EPA registered products.
Report Back
We’ll provide service reports via email letting you know who was there, what they did, and what happens next.
Monitor and Maintain
We’ll prevent pests from returning with our ‘set it and forget it’ maintenance plan. Keeping you one step ahead of mother nature.
Feel Excel-lent
You’ll feel great and rest easy knowing your home, family and pets are in good hands.

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Pests, not so much.

“I’m definitely as environmentally conscious as I can be…a lot of these companies come out and they say, we’re the professionals, we’ll take care of it. You just cut us a check and don’t worry about the details. The fact that you explain the details matters a lot.”

— Residential customer

“I did talk to a number of pest control companies, and when I considered the value of their being willing to come out anytime I have a problem I went with them. That freedom to just call is very valuable to me.”

— Residential customer
An Excel employee using a tool for pest treatment
Quick reference

Frequently asked questions

What is a spotted lanternfly?
The spotted lanternfly is an invasive insect species in the United States. They are native to China as well as parts of Japan, India, Vietnam, and Taiwan. It is believed that spotted lanternflies were brought to the U.S. through trade. They were first discovered in Pennsylvania in 2014. From there, their populations spread to New Jersey, New York, Connecticut, Maryland, Delaware, Virginia, West Virginia, and Ohio. Since their arrival, their populations have grown exponentially.
What do spotted lanternflies look like?
Spotted lanternflies change in appearance a great deal as they grow. They begin their life in an egg mass. Egg masses are roughly 1 inch in size. Newly laid masses have a light gray, mud-like coating. As the masses age, the coatings become tan and have a dried and cracked appearance. Hatched masses lose the mud-like coating, exposing the individual, seed-like eggs beneath. Masses may be found attached to trees, rocks, firewood, pallets, outdoor furniture, boats, and virtually anything else that is left outdoors. One adult female can lay up to 2 egg masses. Nymphs go through four stages. During the first three, they are black with white spots, and they grow from a few millimeters to ¼ inch in size. During the fourth stage, they are bright red with white spots and black stripes, and they grow to be around ½ inch in size. Nymphs have no wings but they are strong jumpers. Adults are approximately 1 inch in length and have two pairs of wings. Their forewings are gray with black dots, and they have black markings on the tips. Their hindwings are black with a white stripe on the front half, and red with black dots on the rear half. Their abdomens are yellow with black bands.
When are spotted lanternflies active?
Egg masses are present from September until June. Nymphs begin emerging in May and mature through the first three nymphal stages between May and July. They remain in the fourth nymphal stage from July to September. Adults emerge in July and stick around until December. Adults begin laying eggs in September and continue to do so until they die off in December.
Are spotted lanternflies harmful to humans?
Spotted lanternflies do not bite or sting, so their presence poses no direct threat to humans. However, their feeding habits severely affect the health of more than 70 plant species, and their presence greatly affects agriculture as a whole. They suck the sap out of their preferred crops which puts stress on the plants and causes their health and yield to decline. To make matters worse, spotted lanternflies excrete a sugary substance called honeydew which can lead to sooty mold growth on plants. The sweet liquid can also attract other insects like wasps and ants. What plants do spotted lanternflies damage? Spotted lanternflies much prefer the Tree of Heaven, or Ailanthus altissima, but they have also taken a liking to more than 70 other plants. According to the USDA, the plants that are at risk are almonds, apples, apricots, cherries, grapes, hops, maple trees, nectarines, oak trees, peaches, pine trees, plums, poplar trees, sycamore trees, walnut trees, and willow trees.
Are spotted lanternflies dangerous to pets?
Spotted lanternflies pose very little danger to pets since they do not bite or sting. They are not poisonous if ingested, though they may cause pets to experience upset stomach, loss of appetite, drooling, and possibly vomiting.
How to control spotted lanternflies?
To help stop their spread, New Jersey has established a quarantine zone which restricts the transport of certain items. The 13 counties included in the zone are Burlington, Camden, Essex, Gloucester, Hunterdon, Mercer, Middlesex, Monmouth, Morris, Salem, Somerset, Union, and Warren. Residents of these counties must complete this “compliance checklist” before moving the listed items out of the quarantine zone. If you find any spotted lanternflies during your checklist inspection, take a look at our Residential Pest Control plans. Businesses must also follow additional protocols, including obtaining permits from NJDA. If you are finding any spotted lanternflies around your business, check out our Commercial Pest Control plans. Spotted lanternflies are one pest that should be left to the professionals. Call Excel today and let us take care of the problem.

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